Sometime in the winter I bought the domain for Oranges! (My comic strip...yes, it's called Oranges! exclamation point included.) As of right now, there's still nothing there, but the work to get it there is actually starting! I hope to launch sometime after we visit California.
Recently, I also bought and am working to get that up and running as a store where you can buy custom cards, pet portraits, and prints...and will hopefully eventually become an online portfolio as well. It's got more on it only because it's a lot simpler to make than the comic, which is being coded by a friend of mine. =)
That same friend and I were joking one day about how I balance things on my head and quickly threw together Things On My Head. It was a joke, but who knows, it may catch on. When Jerome is back we'll have better quality pictures and probably video. (I won a video camera today!)
My absolute right now project, though, is getting welcome home posters made! He'll be home very soon! Here's a very rough sketch for the one I will be taking with me to meet him:

Peach has grown. She's a year old now and has peaked at about 35 pounds. She's very tall and skinny for her size, like her daddy! Pictures to come soon. As she grew, I've become quite sure she's part greyhound and possibly not lab at all. She's very active and her favorite thing in the world is going for long walks, even though she's still not so great on the leash, she's much better than she was before.
I think that about brings you up to date. More to come soon. Peach pictures, I promise!
Yay, moar posts! :D